
Celebstories, short photographic tales: Federica Pellegrini

A series of stories and anecdotes related to our job. For more than twenty years we have portrayed “celebrities” for all major Italian and international newspapers. Each time a new challenge, full of emotions and, sometimes, frustrations.But the secret of a good portraitist is always to be able to transform difficulties into opportunities, trying to […]

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Celebstories, short photographic tales: Lucio Dalla.

max&douglas CELEBSTORIES: Lucio Dalla

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The Camp

This is an ongoing and unfinished project. We started it a year ago with the idea of portraying common people who consider  camping the only way to live a vacation. Will we ever finish it? Only time could tell…

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The Mask

With this project we tried to catch the hidden side of the Cosplayers, attempting to show us the real person behind the mask. Doing so, the mask is not the most important part of the shots anymore. The portrayed people is forced not to show their classic “moves” and they are decontextualized from all the […]

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#BCM14 backstage

Here’s the backstage of the shooting we did during three days in Milan last november. Thanks a lot to “Fred” for the video, PHOTOMOVIE and GRAZIA magazine for their support.  

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